Have your say...

Hertford Town Council is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030. While this target applies specifically to the Council's own operations, we hope to inspire and support the broader community to join us in pursuing sustainable practices and contributing to a greener future.
Within the scope of Hertford Town Council, we would like to know what matters most to you and how we can help you and your community become net zero, more nature-friendly, and sustainable.
This survey should take about five minutes to finish, and we really appreciate your time and feedback.

Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. What does "sustainability" mean to you?
Tip: Think of the first word or short phrase that comes to mind when you hear "sustainability."

Question Title

* 2. Please rank the importance of each environmental challenge in Hertford from the list below.
(Note: Although Hertford Town Council does not manage rubbish collection, transport, or road maintenance—those are handled by East Herts Council and Hertfordshire County Council—we want to understand what is important to you and ensure we are doing what we can to influence decisions in these areas.)

  Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Extremely Important N/A
Enhancing clean air
Maintaining green spaces
Reducing traffic congestion
Reducing waste and litter
Improving river quality
Minimising water consumption
Preserving wildlife
Provision of renewable energy

Question Title

* 3. How would you rate your use of the following eco-friendly practices in your home?

  Always Often Sometimes Considering Rarely Never N/A
Installing energy-efficient light bulbs
Using smart meters
Unplugging devices when not in use
Using energy-efficient appliances
Installing solar panels
Insulating walls, roofs, or floors
Draught-proofing doors and windows
Using renewable energy sources (e.g., switching to a green energy provider)
Turning down heating or air conditioning when not needed
Using energy-efficient windows (double or triple glazing)

Question Title

* 4. With regard to greener travel what would encourage you to use eco-friendly forms of transportation more often such as cycling, walking and public transport within Hertford?

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following actions to help nature and wildlife in and around the town of Hertford are most important you?

  Not Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Extremely Important N/A
Create wildlife habitats on Hertford Town Council properties for example, rock piles, nesting boxes, hedgehog houses, planting trees and hedgerows, etc.
Use of eco-friendly planting in Hertford's planters and display beds.
Increase biodiversity by planting native species
Include wild areas in allotments and churchyards
Help promote wildlife charities and community initiatives

Question Title

* 6. How would you rate your use of the following practices to preserve wildlife, save water and support nature at home, work, local groups or organisations?

  Always Often Sometimes Considering Rarely Never N/A
Creating a wildflower area or pollinator-friendly garden
Building or maintaining a compost heap
Creating a wildlife-friendly garden (e.g., planting native species, creating a pond)
Avoiding the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers
Growing your own vegetables or herbs
Collecting rainwater for garden use
Planting trees or shrubs in your garden

Question Title

* 7. How can Hertford Town Council support you to engage in greener practices at home, work, and in your local groups or organisations? Please place in order of importance.

  1. Offer guidance on adopting more sustainable lifestyle practices.
  2. Run supporting campaigns (e.g. the Refill initiative)
  3. Provide business grants
  4. Support and promote local initiatives and groups already engaged in sustainability projects.
  5. Collaborate with local schools and organizations on sustainability efforts

Question Title

* 8. Do you use reusable containers such as water bottles or beakers?

  Yes No Sometimes
Water Bottles
Reusable Coffee/Tea Beakers
Reusing/refilling bottles for cleaning or personal hygiene products
Reusing food containers by refilling

Question Title

* 9. Hertford Town Council, along with local businesses and 'City to Sea,' are supporting efforts to introduce refill stations at cafes, BEAM, and other locations where you can refill bottles and beakers. What additional steps would encourage you to use refill options more often in Hertford?

  More 'City To Sea' refill places 'City to Sea' refills during the evening FREE reusable water bottles Drinking water fountain in the town Wouldn't use
Water Bottles
Reusable Coffee/Tea Beakers

Question Title

* 10. What other measures would encourage you to use these refill options for cleaning, personal hygiene and food items?

  More shops selling refill products More choice of products Knowing where to go to refill Wouldn't use
Reusing containers for cleaning products
Reusing food containers

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* 11. Are you aware that the Refill app and window stickers show shops and cafes where you can refill a water bottle?

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* 12. Have you participated in any local environmental initiatives or community programmes?

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* 13. If you have any additional comments or suggestions on how Hertford Town Council and the residents of Hertford can help the town achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, please share them here:

Question Title

* 14. How would you prefer to receive information about the Town Council's environmental initiatives? Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 15. If you would like to receive updates from Hertford Town Council, please provide your email address below. We will only use your email for communication related to council updates and not for any other purposes. Providing your email is optional, and your survey responses will remain anonymous.

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50% of survey complete.