Question Title

* 1. Did you attend any component of ARSA's 2019 Annual Conference?

Question Title

* 2. Whether you attended the 2019 Conference or not, please indicate how valuable you would find each of the following components as part of the 2020 Conference (on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being “not at all valuable” and 5 being “extremely valuable”).

  1 2 3 4 5
Executive Branch Engagement (e.g., Meetings at Depts. of Transportation, State, Commerce)
Grassroots Legislative Advocacy (e.g., Activities on Capitol Hill During Legislative Day)
Direct Discussion with Regulators (e.g., Attendance During "Opening Salvo" Panel or Symposium Luncheon)
Regulatory Compliance Resources (e.g., Panel Discussions and References from Symposium Days)
Professional Networking Opportunities (e.g., Discussions During Breaks, Receptions)
IA Training Credit

Question Title

* 3. If you attended the 2019 Conference, please share your thoughts on the experience: What would you most like to see continued (or changed) in 2020?

If you did not attend, what would you like to see included next year? What would make you likely to participate?

Your answer may include content suggestions (i.e., what sessions or breakouts would be valuable for you), activity requests or other ideas.