Pulse Survey details and results from previous Surveys can be found on the
WCC Pulse Survey Dashboard. This continues to be a work in progress – the questions and how the results are reported may continue to evolve over time. Change cannot happen overnight, but the feedback you have provided to date has been helpful and is being used by WHOI Administration to determine areas to focus on.
This pulse survey is one mechanism by which WHOI employees, students and postdocs can provide feedback. Others mechanisms include:
- Committees and groups such as the Joint Program Student Reps, Postdoctoral Association, Technical Staff Committee, Scientific Staff Executive Committee, Committee for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Workplace Climate Committee, and Women’s Committee.
- The WHOI Suggestion Box on the WHOI internal webpage (suggestions can be anonymous).
- Reporting of harassment can be made through your supervisor, department chair, HR (Meg Green), Ombuds (Alicia Booker) or anonymously through the WHOI Ethics Hotline, EthicsPoint.
Feedback and suggestions on this Pulse Survey can be sent to