Skills and Experience
What academic skills would you like to further develop during your course? Select all that apply.
Essay writing
Lab experience
Experience with technical equipment specific to my course
Close reading
Effective studying
Maths and numeracy
English language
Other (please specify)
None of the above
What other skills would you like to develop during your time at university in preparation for your career? Select all that apply.
Public speaking
Networking and relationship-building
Organisation and time management
CV/cover letter writing
Pitching/entrepreneurial skills
People management
Computer/tech skills
Software skills (e.g. Outlook, Excel)
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Who would you like to help you develop these skills? Select all that apply.
The Students' Union
ARU Employability/Careers Service
ARU Money Advice
Study Skills Plus
Library services
My personal tutor
My lecturers/course leader
My coursemates
My place of employment
A work placement as part of my course
An online course
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Where do you go to find out about skills development? Select all that apply.
ARU website
Students' Union website
ARU Careers Service
My place of employment
My personal tutor
My lecturers/course leader
My friends
My family
A mentor
Other (please specify)
None of the above
Are you a final year undergrad? You are currently eligible to take the NSS and give more feedback on your time at university. You should find an invitation in your university email, and there is even a chance to win a cash prize!
Current Progress,
0 of 4 answered