New ProZ site alpha testing survey Question Title * 1. What were your immediate thoughts/impressions when you arrived at the prototype site? Question Title * 2. Are there areas of the site you would normally use that you had difficulty finding in the menu, or were unable to find at all? No Yes (please specify) Question Title * 3. Were there items in the menu or in the site you were not expecting to see, or did not understand? If so, please comment: Question Title * 4. Is there anything you don't like about the planned new site? Is there a feature or area you would tend to avoid? Question Title * 5. Is there a part of the new proposed site where you see yourself spending most of your time, or going to first when you log in? Question Title * 6. Is there anything you particularly like or dislike in the proposed user profiles in the prototype site, or anything you'd like to see there that you didn't find? Question Title * 7. Do you have any suggestions or ideas for the future ProZ website? Question Title * 8. How would you rate the easiness with which you were able to find things on the proposed new site? 0 Intuitiveness (100 = completely intuitive) 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 9. How appealing do you find the design of the prototype site? 0 Attractiveness (100 = beautiful) 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 10. How would you rate the "promise" of the prototype site? To what degree is it headed in the right direction, in your opinion? 0 Promise (100 = completely heading in the right direction) 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 11. What questions, if any, do you have about the planned new site? Question Title * 12. Thank you for taking the time to alpha test this prototype! If you would welcome further contact from the team as this moves forward, please include your name here: Done