Independence Blue Cross is committed to working with our region’s health care providers, like you, to improve our members’ and your patients’ overall health and well-being. We value our relationship with you and want to do even more to support our collaboration. We've launched an effort to continually improve your experience of working with us, and one of our first steps is to better understand your perspective. The 3-minute survey below will help us assess where we are today. We appreciate your honest feedback.

Question Title

* 1. What type of provider office do you represent?

Question Title

* 2. What is your role?

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5, with Strongly Disagree=1 and Strongly Agree=5

  1 - Strongly Disagree 2 3 4 5 - Strongly Agree
I have a high level of trust in my relationship with Independence Blue Cross (Independence).
It is easy to do business with Independence.
I consider Independence my partner in providing high-value care.

Question Title

* 4. Rank the following touchpoints you have with Independence on a scale of 1-5, with Very Dissatisfied=1 and Very Satisfied=5

  1 - Very Dissatisfied 5 - Very Satisfied
Onboarding & Pre-service (including credentialing)
Care Delivery (e.g., information to improve care outcomes)
Care Coordination (e.g., enabling the management or monitoring of care)
Claims & Payments

Question Title

* 5. How likely are you to recommend entering into a Value-Based Payment Program with Independence?

0: Definitely Will Not Recommend 10: Definitely Will Recommend

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* 6. Are you currently part of a Value-Based Payment Program with Independence?

Question Title

* 7. If you are interested in helping Independence improve the provider experience, please enter your name and email address.