Dear Parents,

Presidents' Week is coming soon and, as written in our calendar, there will be no classes. Extended Day will be available on most days with a minimum enrollment of 5 students.

Our Extended Day Holiday schedule is:
~ Friday, Feb 17th - Noon to 6pm
~ Closed on Monday, February 20
~ Tuesday to Friday Feb 21 to 24 - 8am to 6pm

Please respond yes or no to the survey below and hit the "done" button when finished. No papers, no printing.

Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Child/children's first name(s)

Question Title

* 2. Child/children's last name

Question Title

* 3. My child/children will join Extended Day at Noon on Friday, February 17:

Question Title

* 4. My child will attend Extended Day during Presidents' Week Break on the following days:

  yes no
Tuesday, February 21 (8 to 6)
Wednesday, February 22 (8 to 6)
Thursday, February 23 (8 to 6)
Friday, February 24 (8 to 6)

Question Title


Question Title

* 6. I have an Extended Day contract

A minimum of 5 students each day is needed for Extended Day to be open.

There is no charge for those with an Extended Day contract.  

A drop-in fee of $30 for Friday, February 17th and $40 per day for February 21 to 24 will be charged to your TADS tuition account if you do not have a contract.

Thank you!