2020 Youth Ministry Survey - Preschool/Kindergarden or Adaptive

Youth Ministry Survey 2020 - Preschool/Kindergarden or Adaptive

Dear Parents
Thank you for helping your child with this survey! Whatever they answer is perfect.
Have your child rank how they feel from 1 star (bad) to 5 stars (best).
1.This is how I feel about going to church
2.With an adult's help, tell us what you like about going to church.
3.This is how I feel about going to church school
4.This is how I feel about kid activities like as St. Nicholas Day or (insert an activity from your parish)
5.I know that God loves me!
6.I know who Jesus is
7.I know who Mother Mary (Bohorodichen, Thetokos) is
8.My Church School Teacher cares about me
9.I know my priest’s name – he is Fr.
10.My age is
11.Is there anything else you would like to share with us about church or God?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered