Exit Prairie Dev Con 2023 Session Feedback Question Title * 1. What session did you attend? ==Day 1== A Nuanced Approach to Cyber Risk Communication Accessibility Guidelines & Tools: How do I know my site/app is accessible? Agile Transformation AI for Developers API Design First: Succeeding with API Governance API First Design with SwaggerHub and Azure API Management Building a Culture of Innovation - Lessons Learned from Microsoft's AI Journey Continuous, Evolutionary Architecture and Modular Monoliths Azure Integration Services: A Platform for Building Modern and Scalable Integration Solution Building GitHub in my Bathroom with GitHub CodeSpaces Building a Secure Messaging Platform Deploy your Kubernetes Cluster in 10 seconds... the second time From Good to Great: Usability for Software Engineers Is AI Ready to Take Over the World? Systems Thinking with the Ball Point Game Let's talk about public speaking OWASP ASVS, The Top 10's Way More Specific Big Brother STRIDEing Confidently into Application Threat Modelling Transitioning from Pro to Low Code with Azure Logic Apps Unleashing the Power of GraphQL with Hasura and .NET ==Day 2== Beyond Source Control: Leveling Up with the GitHub Toolchain Conversations That Matter CosmosDB - More Than Just A Database Enterprise application lifecycle management with Azure Logic Apps Foundations of Using Cost as an Architectural Fitness Function Hack the IT Governance Matrix: How Solution Architects Can Drive Change Without the Red Pill How Do You Lead? How we use Cypress with Azure Pipelines In Defence of Scrum If Your Applications are Unreliable and/or Slow, You Probably Aren't Using Event-Sourcing and CQRS Low code? Pro code? How about both using Azure Logic Apps Playwright: Reliable End-to-End Testing Postgresql - the only data storage you'll ever need RESTler REST API fuzzing tool: Your new AppSec security control. Securing Applications in a DevSecOps World: 6 Essential Practices The End of Memorizing Passwords? Tweaking Code Reviews for Maximum Potential What is Confidential Computing: Unlocking the Future of Secure Data Processing Question Title * 2. How was the speaker? Excellent Good Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Comments Question Title * 3. Did the session content meet your expectations? Definitely Mostly Not Really Comments Question Title * 4. Please provide any other comments you have on this session. Question Title * 5. Please provide your name for prize drawing purposes. Done