Tuesday October 17, 2023

Thank you for attending the CLSEI Joint Environment & Economic Development virtual pre-trip briefing on Salton Sea: Lithium Valley, Environmental Conservation, & Workforce Development. 

Your confidential responses reflect important learnings that you and your CLSEI colleagues gain from the session and help us continually improve our programs. 

Please note, participant feedback is an essential and necessary part of our annual CLSEI reports to our legislative partners and funders.

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* 1. What is something you learned in this session that you want to know more about at the site visit?

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* 2. What are some key takeaways you have from the session?

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* 3. In what ways do you anticipate collaborating with your colleagues or incorporating the information you learned from this session in your legislative work?

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* 4. Do you have any new or outstanding questions? 

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* 5. Anything else you'd like to share?