Celebrating a Community of Inclusion POST EVENT EVALUATION Thank you for attending our inclusion event on April 25, 2018. We appreciate your feedback on this event and ones we may host in the future. OK Question Title * 1. Overall, how would you rate the event? Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor OK Question Title * 2. How did you hear about this event? OK Question Title * 3. What was the single most valuable thing you learned at the event? OK Question Title * 4. How likely are you to attend a similar event again in the future? Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not so likely Not at all likely OK Question Title * 5. What topics would you most like to learn about or discuss at this event? OK Question Title * 6. How could future events be improved? Select all that apply. Make the events more interactive Hold the event in the morning Hold the event in the afternoon Hold the event on the weekend Provide more time for networking More convenient location Use a more comfortable space to host the event Address a more relevant topic Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Is there anything else you’d like to share about the event or suggest what we can do to increase access and full participation for every child in ECE settings? OK Question Title * 8. Which of the following best describes you? Select all that apply. ECE program administrator ECE program teacher Coach/TA consultant Early Intervention provider Other support provider Parent of a child with needs Policymaker Funder Stakeholder Other (please specify) OK DONE