Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work
Podcast Use Survey
These brief questions are designed to help us understand how the podcasts are used and how they can provide more value. Your responses are anonymous.
Which best describes your affiliation?
Associated with an NSF or other agency grant
College or University
Government or non-profit
Other (please specify)
How might you use the podcast? (Please check all that apply.)
Update instructional materials for a course or training
Include as part of a research project
Encourage employees to upgrade their skills
Inform my community about Future of Work topics
Increase my own personal knowledge
In which of the following would you be interested? (Please select all that apply.)
Participating in professional development related to the podcast topic
Being part of an online community related to podcasts
Hearing more from the podcast presenter
Helping convene people in my region around Future of Work Topics
Learning more about the Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work project
Current Progress,
0 of 3 answered