I enjoyed the book reviews by the PMI LA Book Club members.
I enjoyed the book reviews by the PMI LA Book Club members. Strongly Agree
I enjoyed the book reviews by the PMI LA Book Club members. Somewhat Agree
I enjoyed the book reviews by the PMI LA Book Club members. Neutral
I enjoyed the book reviews by the PMI LA Book Club members. Somewhat Disagree
I enjoyed the book reviews by the PMI LA Book Club members. Strongly Disagree
The reviews were insightful and helped me learn more about the books.
The reviews were insightful and helped me learn more about the books. Strongly Agree
The reviews were insightful and helped me learn more about the books. Somewhat Agree
The reviews were insightful and helped me learn more about the books. Neutral
The reviews were insightful and helped me learn more about the books. Somewhat Disagree
The reviews were insightful and helped me learn more about the books. Strongly Disagree
The reviews have given me insights to tools & methods that I can use in my PM work.
The reviews have given me insights to tools & methods that I can use in my PM work. Strongly Agree
The reviews have given me insights to tools & methods that I can use in my PM work. Somewhat Agree
The reviews have given me insights to tools & methods that I can use in my PM work. Neutral
The reviews have given me insights to tools & methods that I can use in my PM work. Somewhat Disagree
The reviews have given me insights to tools & methods that I can use in my PM work. Strongly Disagree
I made a decision to buy or not to buy a book based on the reviews.
I made a decision to buy or not to buy a book based on the reviews. Strongly Agree
I made a decision to buy or not to buy a book based on the reviews. Somewhat Agree
I made a decision to buy or not to buy a book based on the reviews. Neutral
I made a decision to buy or not to buy a book based on the reviews. Somewhat Disagree
I made a decision to buy or not to buy a book based on the reviews. Strongly Disagree