Drug Harm Prevention Survey

1.Do you support pill testing (and the associated counselling that occurs at the time of testing) at all music festivals?
2.Do you support the idea of pill testing (and the associated counselling that occurs at the time of testing) at other events where young people gather and are likely to be consuming recreational drugs eg night clubs, raves, schoolies week?
Questions 4 to 9 ask for your opinions as to the outcomes of pill testing and the associated counselling that occurs at the time of testing at music festivals.
3.What impact do you think this will have on harms and deaths associated with recreational drug taking at music festivals?
greatly increase
moderately increase
neither increase nor decrease
moderately decrease
greatly decrease
4.If pills/drugs are shown to contain only what the young person expected, how do you think this will affect their likelihood of taking them?
greatly increase
moderately increase
neither increase nor decrease
moderately decrease
greatly decrease
5.If the drugs are shown to be more risky than expected, how do you think this will affect their likelihood of taking them?
greatly increase
moderately increase
neither increase nor decrease
moderately decrease
greatly decrease
6.What impact do you think this will have on risky behaviour associated with recreational drug taking in general ie beyond that of just the festival itself?
greatly increase
moderately increase
neither increase nor decrease
moderately decrease
greatly decrease
7.What impact do you think this will have on societal permissiveness towards taking recreational drugs?
greatly increase
moderately increase
neither increase nor decrease
moderately decrease
greatly decrease
8.What impact do you think this will have on young people's perception of the risks associated with drug use at festivals?
greatly increase
moderately increase
neither increase nor decrease
moderately decrease
greatly decrease
9.Do you think pill testing (and the associated counselling that occurs at the time of testing) at music festivals will encourage or discourage young people to take recreational drugs taking at music festivals?
greatly encourage
moderately encourage
neither encourage nor discourage
moderately discourage
greatly discourage
10.What is your opinion of the following harm reduction strategies at music festivals?
strongly support
moderately support
neither support nor oppose
moderately opposed
strongly opposed
Police sniffer dogs
Police body searches
No police presence
Free drinking water
Strong and visible police presence
Low-level, non-confrontational police presence
Pill testing facilities (and the associated counselling that occurs at the time of testing)
Medical facilities with sufficient equipment and staff to deal with drug overdoses/poisoning
11.Why do you think the federal govt (and some state govts) are opposed to pill testing? Choose all that apply
12.What further information do you require about pill testing? Choose all that apply.
13.What is your profession?
14.If you'd like to enter the draw for prizes, please enter your email
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