1. Programmes for Students (PfS) Expression of Interest - 2025

What is Programmes for Students?
Programmes for Students consists of:
  • Accelerating Learning in Literacy (ALL) years 3-8
  • Accelerating Learning in Mathematics (ALiM) years 0-8
ALL and ALiM support teachers and kaiako to accelerate learning for students and ākonga who would benefit from targeted support in reading, writing and/or mathematics. ALL is for years 3-8 and ALiM is for years 0-8. Both will be aligned to the updated English and mathematics & statistics learning areas from 2025. For more information about how the Programmes for Students programme is delivered you can click here.

How does the programme work?
Teachers and kaiako will work with a mentor throughout the year to accelerate the learning of identified students and ākonga, develop their knowledge of accelerative teaching practices, and share their learning across the school.

Programmes for Students instruction is provided within the student’s regular learning setting. Students and ākonga may or may not be in the same teaching group, but teachers and kaiako will adapt their teaching in response to individual needs. Each teacher and kaiako will work to meet the needs of a minimum of twelve target students and ākonga over the course of the year.

Who can apply for Programmes for Students?
This support is designed for teachers and kaiako who have taught for several years and are confident teachers of literacy or mathematics.

How are schools selected?
Schools within each region will be selected using the following criteria in this order.

Firstly by:
  • Percentage of students by year levels who need accelerated support.
Secondly by:
  • Schools that have not been on Programmes for Students in the last three years.
Then, if oversubscribed the following will be prioritised in the following order:

  • If someone from your regional office such as Regional Lead, Education Adviser or Curriculum Lead or from the Education Review Office supports an application from your school.
  • The school is participating in professional development with a Ministry approved provider for Structured Literacy and/or Maths.
  • Distribution across the region is equitable (referring to the Equity Index and isolation index).
For more information about how the Programmes for Students programme is delivered you can click here.
Important dates to remember:
  • Opening: Friday 20 September 2024
  • Closing: Monday 11 November 2024
  • Notification of applications: Early December
  • Start Programmes for Students: February 2025
What you need to do before you start your application.
General information:
  • You can only submit one application in one session.
  • You will have to complete and submit this application form in one sitting/session.
  • Once you start your application you can save the current screen when you press Next and move to the next step of the application process.
  • Programmes for Students programme is delivered in English and is aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum.
Before you start applying you will need to:
  • Get approval from your principal to do the programme
  • Find out if your school has done the Programmes for Students programme in the last three years and what year(s).
  • Identify the percentage of students and ākonga by year level that you teach that need accelerated support.
What happens when you have completed the form?
  • Once you have completed this form, your application will be sent to your Programmes for Students Regional Lead.
  • If you want to change anything after you have submitted your application, please contact your Regional Lead. The contact details are here.
Privacy statement
This privacy statement explains why we are running this expression of interest process, what information we are seeking from you, and how we will use and look after that information.

This expression of interest form is for submitting your request to participate in the Programmes for Students for the 2025 school year. This is for teachers and kaiako to participate in either:
  • Accelerating Learning in Literacy (ALL) years 3-8
  • Accelerating Learning in Mathematics (ALiM) years 0-8
Your responses to questions in this form will be used by your Regional Leads for Programme for Students to assess the teacher and school’s eligibility and selection for the programme and the level of required accelerative support for literacy or numeracy.

We will ask you some questions about your school, and your contact details, including your education region. We ask these details to allow us to better analyse the responses we receive with most questions being mandatory. Some of the information will be used for reporting purposes that will not be identifiable. The personal information you provide will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.

If you are successful, your personal information you provide in this expression of interest such as your email address and mobile phone number (optional) will be sent to the external providers who facilitate Programmes for Students to contact you.

Expression of Interest responses will be held in secure Ministry of Education systems, and only accessible to Ministry of Education staff including the Regional Leads for Programmes for Students, external providers and staff coordinating and managing the programme.

The identifiable information from this expression of interest will not be kept for more than one year before it is securely destroyed.

You have the right to request access to personal information the Ministry of Education hold about you, and to ask to have it corrected if it is wrong. If you would like to access information relevant to your expression of interest, or if you have any privacy questions, please email foundational.learning@education.govt.nz . If we receive a request under the Official Information Act seeking access to expression of interest applications, we may have to release them. If this happens, we will seek to protect your privacy to the full extent permitted under law.

Question Title

* Declaration

14% of survey complete.