Call for peers - Peer review - Centre-Val de Loire, France

Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Peer Review - Regional and local measures to address shortages of healthcare professionals
Centre-Val de Loire Region, France
Date: 2-3 July 2024
Disclaimer on Personal Data Collection:
In order to comply with article 125 of regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 (Common Provisions Regulation), the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform is using the present survey to collect information for the purpose of preparing and implementing the expert support service of interregional onsite peer reviews. The data will be stored securely. The results of this survey will be accessed by the Policy Learning Platform team. For any further information or if you wish to exercise your right to access and / or correct your personal data, please contact us at
1.Email adress(Required.)
2.Your Name(Required.)
3.Your Organisation (Name, Region, Country)(Required.)
4.Your position(Required.)
5.Your Interreg Europe Project Acronym (if any)
6.Your Linkedin profile if available
7.Your phone number
8.Your expertise in developing and/or implementing local and regional policies to mitigate shortages of health professionals, or to adapt to a shortages of health professionals.(Required.)
9.Your expertise in developing / implementing methods and practices to "free up medical time", i.e. allow health professionals to spend as much time as possible with patients and doing other clinical work.(Required.)
10.Your expertise in the use of new technologies to address shortages of health professionals(Required.)
11.Your expertise in the design / implementation of new governance arrangements and organisational innovation that have helped address shortages of health professionals(Required.)
12.Please rate your knowledge on the following dimensions: ( “none”, “low”, “fair”, “good” or “excellent”)
Health policies addressing shortages of health professionals
Measures to "free up medical time"
Use of new technologies to compensate for a shortage of health professionals
Local and regional governance of health policies
Organisational innovation in the health sector
Training and education of health professionals
Assigning new roles to health professionals (e.g. pharmacists, nurses)
Disease prevention and health promotion