Local government and school pay
The local government employers for England, Wales and Northern Ireland have offered staff in local government and schools a 1% increase for 2014-15. The lowest paid will get slightly more, but will still get 90 pence an hour less than the Living Wage. 1% is well below inflation, so it’s another pay cut. Last year the workforce also received a pay cut from the 1% pay settlement, following a three-year pay freeze.
UNISON has rejected the 1% offer. We are campaigning hard for a decent pay rise which recognises your hard work and the rising cost of living.
We want to know how you have been affected by falling pay and rising prices over the last year as part of our campaign. Please fill in this short survey by 9 June and get your workmates to do the same. We want to hear from everybody who works in local government and schools. The survey should take only a few minutes to complete. Your answer will be completely confidential. Thank you.
UNISON has rejected the 1% offer. We are campaigning hard for a decent pay rise which recognises your hard work and the rising cost of living.
We want to know how you have been affected by falling pay and rising prices over the last year as part of our campaign. Please fill in this short survey by 9 June and get your workmates to do the same. We want to hear from everybody who works in local government and schools. The survey should take only a few minutes to complete. Your answer will be completely confidential. Thank you.