Paw Paw Township has commenced the process of updating its Master Plan. The long-range plan guides growth, preservation, investment, and future land use decision-making in the Township. The planning process intends to capture and document the vision of the citizens and officials of Paw Paw Township.

Please take a few moments to share your opinions with us. The collective results will give us valuable insights into the desires of the Township residents.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. Is your primary residence in Paw Paw Township?

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* 3. Do you own a business in Paw Paw Township?

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* 4. Are you an employee of a business in Paw Paw Township?

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* 5. Pick the top three issues that are most important to you. Pick no more than three (survey will not be submitted if more than three are selected).

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* 6. Are your recreational needs met in the township and nearby communities?

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* 7. Should the township investigate the possibility of developing trails and parks?

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* 8. What types of recreational facilities should be developed in the Township? (pick as many as you wish)

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* 9. How concerning is the lack of public water and sewer service in the township?

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* 10. Should the township investigate ways to expand water and sewer service extensions?

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* 11. How would you describe the affordability of housing in the township compared to neighboring areas?

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* 12. Is there enough housing for workers, growing families, and others seeking to reside in the township?

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* 13. What types of additional housing do you believe are most needed in the township? (pick as many as you wish)

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* 14. How important is the preservation of working farms in the township?

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* 15. Should the township investigate regulations and policies to further protect forested land?

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* 16. Should the township investigate regulations and policies to further protect farmland?

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* 17. Should the township investigate regulations and policies to further protect water quality (groundwater, lakes, streams, and wetlands)?

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* 18. Do you feel that there are enough commercial businesses in Paw Paw Township (retail, restaurants, offices, service, etc.)?

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* 19. Do you feel that there are enough industrial businesses in Paw Paw Township (manufacturing, contractor’s facilities, warehousing, trucking, etc.)?

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* 20. What types of businesses or services are missing or desirable?

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* 21. Tell us the positive aspects of living in, working in, or visiting the township.

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* 22. Tell us the negative aspects of living in, working in, or visiting the township.

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* 23. If there is one thing you want us to know about the Township, what would it be?

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* 24. How would you prefer to receive information about community planning events? (pick as many as you wish)

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* 25. Would you be willing to participate in a round-table discussion or interview on topics such as farmland preservation, housing, environmental protection, or other concerns?

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* 26. Would you like to receive email updates on the master planning process?