2020 Youth Ministry Survey - Parents

Youth Ministry Survey 2020 - Parents

1.Does your parish have a youth ministry team?
2.What type of youth workers do you have in your parish – Please check all that apply
3.Does your parish provide training for your youth workers? Please check all that apply
4.Church school – How often are classes offered for your child(ren)?
5.Church school – how long are the classes?
6.Church school –  when does it take place?
7.How often does your child attend church school?
8.Youth Ministry – how often are opportunities for youth spiritual development offered for your child during the year? (this includes youth group, bible study, fellowship, etc.)
9.YM – Types of Youth Ministry opportunities offered to my children (youth and young adult) - Click on all that apply
10.YM – When does your parish normally conduct Youth Ministry events under normal circumstances?
11.What types of resources does your parish provide for families and parents?
12.Does your parish have a budget line item for youth work in the parish?
13.How many children do you have in your family?
14.What are their ages?
15.What challenges do you face as an Orthodox parent - Choose any that apply
16.What do you TRY to do together as a family - Choose the answer that most closely reflects your thoughts.
Eat at least one meal a day together
Eat at least one meal a week together
Pray at meals
Attend Divine Liturgy
Attend other services of the church
Read scripture
Talk about life struggles
Talk about the faith and God in your life
Celebrate the feast days
Family Time (playing games, going to the park, etc.)
Serve Others (local food banks, charitable giving, etc)
Serve Christ's Church (parish events, parish organizations)
17.What type of ministry do your children participate in? Check all that apply.
18.Please check all reasons why your children may not participate in provided youth ministry opportunities.
19.Things we appreciate about our parish youth ministry - Choose which best describes your feeling.
Loving and involved clergy
Loving and involved youth workers
They try to accommodate our needs
They try to accommodate our schedule
Our parish is loving and accepting of our children
Our children are actively involved in the life of the parish
Our children are actively involved in the liturgical services
Our youth ministry (church school, Jr UOL, activities, etc) are well run and organized
We feel supported as a family
I feel supported and respected as a parent
20.What things would you like to see from your parish youth ministry ( Please choose top five)
21.Do your children attend our Camping Ministry at All Saints Camp?
22.If no, please indicate the reasons why - Check all that apply.
23.If yes, what does your child love about the camping ministry - Check all that apply.
24.What does your child wish were improved at the camping ministry? Please choose what most closely matches their feeling.
Learning about the faith
Making new friends
Staff interactions with campers
Facility (cabins, washhouses, etc.)
Ukrainian culture
Daily liturgical service
Cabin community building
Social activities 
25.Did you know that the camping ministry provides scholarships to subsidize registration cost?
26.Does your parish provide subsidization to aid with registration costs? If yes, please indicate the following
27.Do you have a child with unique or special needs? If yes, do you feel emotionally supported by the parish in your struggles as a parent of a child with special needs?
28.Please share accommodations that you feel are made by your parish for your child’s unique needs.
29.What type of supports would help your child with special needs and family? Check all that apply.
30.If you would like to receive emails from the Office of Youth Ministry with information on available youth resources and programming, please provide your email address.
Current Progress,
0 of 30 answered