Parent Questionnaire

We are completing an application to allow us to return to face to face teaching. Part of the process is including feedback from our parent community about their thoughts on returning. Please answer the questions and write any comments below. Thanks for your ideas and insight.
1.On a scale of 1 (not comfortable) to 5 (very comfortable), rate how ready you feel to participate in on-campus learning, starting no earlier than January 19?

All recommended protocols will be instituted, including four to six feet of physical distancing as much as possible, open windows in any room where staff and students will spend time, outdoor time maximized, eating outdoors when possible, hand washing/sanitizing regularly, multiple daily surface sanitizing times, daily health screenings for all on-campus adults and students, limited exposure between students and adults (especially for specialist teachers). All adults will be tested before participating in in-person learning and will be tested every three to four weeks thereafter. We are currently planning to start on-campus learning with the youngest students (K-2) and then, as we gain success with managing those students in this new format, add the upper grades on a staggered basis, first 3rd and 4th, and then 5th-8th. We may also decide never to have all students on campus at the same time, using a hybrid/rotation model for grades 5-8. We will continue to use outdoor options frequently even when classes resume on campus. On days when smoke is a health concern, we will cancel any on-campus learning and revert to distance learning.

Kittredge will only engage in in-person learning on campus if and when we are approved to do so AND if we feel it is safe to do so, given the current state of the virus.

We will stay prepared to use distance learning when that is the best decision for safety and learning.
3.Given the above, if and when opportunities are provided for on-campus learning, do you plan to have your child participate?(Required.)
5.What questions do you have related to our plan to incorporate on-campus learning elements?
6.Are you willing to have your feedback of this plan included in our application for reopening for on-campus learning?
8.What more do you want us to know?