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Please review the following packaging design for the product:

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* 1. Click the part of the package where your eye is drawn. Choose one spot.

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* 2. Why did you make that selection?

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* 3. Thinking about the packaging overall, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?

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* 4. How visually appealing is the packaging?

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* 5. How would you rate the quality of the packaging?

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* 6. How unique is the packaging?

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* 7. How easily do you think you could find the packaging in specify market or store?

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* 8. How visible do you think the packaging would be in specify market or store?

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* 9. How different is the packaging from existing packaging?

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* 10. Does the packaging provide too much information, too little information, or the right amount of information?

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* 11. How relevant is the packaging to your wants and needs?

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* 12. If the product were available today, how likely would you be to buy the product based on the packaging?

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