Buckle Up Sign

The Virginia Highway Safety Office (VAHSO) at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in partnership with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Virginia Department of Education is interested in replacing the old seat belt signs featuring the slogan “Buckle Up Virginia! It’s a Law We Can Live With” that have appeared on Virginia’s roadways, public schools, colleges, and government and law enforcement buildings since 1988. Since many of these 25-year-old signs are damaged, lost, unreadable or losing their reflectivity, they are being replaced during 2017. VDOT and DMV have developed a new "state law buckle up" sign design that features a  clearer message and easier-to-understand design. The new signs comply with the Federal Highway Safety Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, standards that strive for readability in a highway setting.

Please complete one survey per facility  - Eligible facilities include college campuses, high schools (or other schools that have students aged 16 or older), and police department public safety buildings.
Surveys must be submitted by March 31, 2017

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* 2. Name of your facility

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* 3. Street (physical) address of your facility

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* 4. Your name

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* 5. Your title

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* 6. Your phone number

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* 7. Your email address

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* 8. Do you currently have a “Buckle Up Virginia, It’s a Law We Can Live With” sign on your facility’s property? 

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* 9. Does your facility want a free, new 24” x 24” State Law Buckle Up sign for you to install on your property? (Signs that are on the public road outside your facility will be replaced by VDOT.)

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* 10. How many exits does your facility have? ____ (One sign per exit, up to a maximum of three signs, will be provided. If your facility has more than three exits, place the three signs at the most heavily-traveled exits so they will be seen by the most drivers.)

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* 11. I understand that VDOT will provide the sign panel(s) at no cost, however, I will be responsible for picking up the sign from my local VDOT office, providing and installing a post if my facility does not have one already, and installing the sign.

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* 12. I understand that after installation, the sign’s maintenance becomes the responsibility of my facility.

Thank you for completing this survey. If you requested sign(s), a VDOT employee will contact you when the signs are ready for pick up at your local VDOT office.  Due to the large scope of this statewide sign replacement project, this could occur at any time between now and late 2017.

  Please visit the DMV Seat Belt Safety website for other available resources and information.