Question Title

* 1. Check appropriate title.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the organization of this meeting.

Question Title

* 3. The ACCME defines commercial bias as presentations giving an unbalanced view of therapeutic options by promoting a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest.

Was this CME course free of commercial bias?

Question Title

* 4. Did the faculty disclose significant relationships with commercial support?
(One or more of these methods: Syllabus / Opening Remarks / Verbally / On Slides)

Question Title

* 5. Please rate the quality of the meeting facilities.

Question Title

* 6. How well were the Orthopaedic Research Day course objectives met?

Upon completion of the course participants should be able to:

  Significantly Met Somewhat Met Not Met
Discuss the current research developments in every subspecialty of orthopaedics including joint reconstruction, shoulder & elbow, trauma, foot & ankle, spine, upper extremity, oncology and sports. 

Question Title

* 7. Did you meet your personal goal/objective for what you intended to get out of this course?

Question Title

* 8. Do you intend to integrate what you learned at this conference into your current practice?

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the relevance of this program to your scope of practice:

Question Title

* 10. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Adam Sadler, DO - Does Discharge Disposition Affect the Incidence of Arthrofibrosis in the Knee Arthroplasty Patient Population?
Ke Xie, MD - Soft Tissue Releases in Total Knee Arthroplasty for Valgus Deformities 
William Baione, MD - Periarticular Injection (PIA) After Total Knee Arthroplasty Using Liposomal Bupivicaine vs a Traditional Bupivicaine Cocktail: Pain Control and its Effect on HCAHPS Scores and Patient Satisfaction
Jacob Conjeski, MD - Complications, Length of Stay, Mortality, and Readmission Rates Do Not Increase Linearly With Age after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Study of 22,656 Patients 
T. Kyle Stoops, MD - Retrospective Investigation of Failed Metal on metal Total Hip Replacements: A Guide to Management 

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Jonathan Clark, MD - The Influence of Patient and Surgeon-Specific Factors on Operative Duration and Early Postoperative Outcomes in Shoulder Arthroplasty in a Teaching Institution 
Jonathan Streit, MD - Osteoarthritis of the Shoulder Treated with Shoulder Arthroplasty: Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes 
Jesse Allert, MD - Decision Making and Outcomes: Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty vs Rotator Cuff Repair in the Surgical Treatment of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears without Arthritis in Patients Older than 65

Question Title

* 12. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers Session III: TRAUMA

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Jonathan Quade, MD - Symptomatic Ilio-Sacral Screw Removal Following Pelvic Trauma- Incidence and Clinical Impact
Michael Beebe, MD - OTA Classification is Highly Predictive of Acute ACS Following Tibia Fracture: A Cohort of 2885 Fractures 
Katie Crum, MD - Optimizing Fixation of Extra-Articular Distal Tibia Fractures (AO/OTA 43-A): Does the Fibula Matter?
Seth Cooper, MD - Comparison of Femoral Head Rotation and Varus Collapse Between a Single Lag Screw and Integrated Dual Screw Intertrochanteric Hip Fracture Fixation Device Using a Novel Chair Rise Biomechanical Model
Darryl Auston, MD - Negative Stress Examination Under Anesthesia Reliably Predicts Pelvic Ring Union without Displacement 
Rafael Serrano-Riera, MD - Nasal Decolonization with Povidone-iodine Decreases Surgical Site Infection in the Elderly with Intracapsular Femur Fractures 

Question Title

* 13. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Michael Lago, MD - Early Outcomes and Fusion Rates in Patients Undergoing a "Hybrid" Lumbar Disc Replacement and Fusion for the Treatment of Multi-Level Lumbar Disc Disease

Question Title

* 14. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers:
Dr. Phillip Spiegel Memorial Visiting Professor- Dr. John Callaghan, MD

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
John Callaghan, MD - Why Did We Leave Charnley Hip Replacement

Question Title

* 15. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
William Crawford, MD - Intermediate-term Follow Up for the Modified Mau Osteotomy for the Correction of Hallux Valgus: A Study of 190 Feet
James Head, MD - Midfoot Fusion: Plates vs Screws

Question Title

* 16. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Brandon Frye, MD - Closed Wound Drainage in Shoulder Arthoplasty
Brentley Taylor, MD - Mixed Motor and Sensory Peripheral Nerve Repair with Processed Nerve Allograft vs Autograft

Question Title

* 17. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthpaedic Research Day speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Shaun Accardo, MD, MSK - Outcomes of the Quadriceps-Sparing Lateral Approach to the Distal Femur for Tumor Resection and Endoprosthetic Reconstruction

Question Title

* 18. Please rate the OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS of each of our Orthopaedic Research Day speakers

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Tamira Miranowski, DO - Biomechanical Comparison of a Novel Biceps Tenodesis technique
Eildar Abyar, MD - Biomechanical Evaluation of a Unicortical Button vs Unicortical Button with Adjunction of Suture Anchor for Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis

Question Title

* 19. Based on your CME needs, please give suggestions for future program topics/formats.

Question Title

* 20. What barriers do you foresee that may hinder your implementation of changes learned at this activity? What educational strategies could help to overcome these barriers?

Question Title

* 21. What do you see as your BIGGEST challenge in improving patient safety, patient care and/or patient outcomes? What educational strategies could help to overcome this challenge?

Question Title

* 22. How did you hear about this CME Program?

Question Title

* 23. Please provide your contact information.

Question Title

* 24. The Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education (FORE) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. FORE designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.75 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

For the purpose of recertification, the following organizations accept AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM from organizations accredited by the ACCME.
  • American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)
  • American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
  • American Academy of Neurosurgeons (AANS)
Please attest to the total number of credit hours (minimum .25- maximum 7.75) that you spent in this CME activity: