We want to know what you think!

UNICEF Canada is working to make Canada #1 in child well-being by 2030. A big part of this work is thinking about the future for Canada’s children. We want to understand what might happen that will affect kids in the future, and we want to think about how we can help kids live their best lives, no matter what that future holds. 
We want to know what you think about the future. There are 5 areas of focus in this survey, and completing the entire survey could take between 15-20 minutes (3-4 minutes for each focus area). If you are able to complete any or all of the survey, we are glad to have your opinions. We welcome and value lots of different ideas, and hope that people of any age, who are currently in any part of Canada, will help us with this work.

What is Open Foresight?
We want to understand what people notice today that might change childhood in 2030. To do this, we are using a tool called Open Foresight. Open Foresight includes asking lots of people what about the future they think will change, and what about those changes they notice are happening today. We put all the answers together to figure out the big changes—we call these trends—that people are noticing that will probably matter the most in the future.

What is the UNICEF Canada Open Foresight Project?
The following questions are the first part of UNICEF Canada’s two-part Open Foresight project. In this part (Part 1) of the project, we are asking you to tell us what you think will matter most for the future of Canada’s kids (in 2030). This part will be open until late October.

We want you to think about what Canada might be like for kids in 2030, and what that future might be like for you and the people you care about. When answering the questions, think about a young person you know today and how their life would be different if they were born 15 years later. We really want you to enjoy thinking about the future—this is a way for us to dream and imagine the future. Remember: the future doesn’t exist yet—so there are no wrong answers!

Collection, Use, and Disclosure
Your participation is voluntary. The information you provide is kept strictly confidential, and none of the answers will be attributed to you personally. Data is being collected by Overlap Associates on behalf of UNICEF Canada and will be used to inform the work of the Open Foresight initiative of UNICEF Canada. 

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14% of survey complete.