CLIENT SURVEY – BeckerBALLOT E-Voting Software Solution

1.Company/Association Name(Required.)
2.What state do you reside in?(Required.)
3.What county do you reside in?
4.Have you used BeckerBALLOT for online voting in your community?(Required.)
5.If yes, how many times did you use BeckerBALLOT?(Required.)
6.Were you satisfied with BeckerBALLOT's performance?(Required.)
7.If no, have you used another online voting platform?(Required.)
8.If yes, which online voting platform did you use?(Required.)
9.Were you satisfied with that platform's performance?(Required.)
10.Are you interested in using online voting for upcoming membership votes?(Required.)
11.Additional comments or questions?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered