Enabling customers to pay online has significant advantages, but it also involves costs. While the online payment process may appear seamless, there are multiple parties (banks, payment processors, payment platforms, etc.) in the background providing a service each step of the way. The charges assessed by these parties add up to transaction fees that are paid by either the vendor or customer. 

Please help us understand how fees factor into your business and customer relationships by answering the questions below. As a thank you for your time, we will send you a $30 Amazon gift card (see details below) after we receive your fully completed survey.

Question Title

* 1. How important is it for your customers to be able to pay online?

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* 2. How satisfied are you with your customers’ ability to pay online

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* 3. How important is it for you to increase the number of customers paying  online?

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* 4. How successful have you been in your efforts to get customers to pay online?

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* 5. How significant will customer online payment capabilities be to your business in the next 24 months?

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* 6. Rank the benefits of receiving payments online in terms of priority (highest at top).

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* 7. When considering online payment capabilities, rank the following concerns/perceived risks (highest at top).

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* 8. As a department policy, what is your preferred approach to handling fees related to online payment?

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* 9. When considering the cost of an online payment platform, rank your preferences in how to cover the expense (highest at top).

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* 10. How compelling is the ability to include a surcharge during online payment to offset (or augment) the cost of transactional fees you might pay.

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* 11. What would be your reason(s) for adding a surcharge?

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* 12. How important is it to be able to configure how fees are assessed at a customer level to better control who pays what based on the nature of the business relationship?

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* 13. Assuming you could pass transactional fees onto your customers, how much of a barrier do these costs pose when encouraging online payment?

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* 14. What one capability/customer benefit would offset that barrier?

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* 15. In the past six months, how many customers have commented on the cost/amount of transactional fees in general (not just those specific to online payments).

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* 16. When considering  each stage of an online payment, indicate the amount of value delivered by each party in facilitating the process:

  Significant value Moderate value Minimal value No value
Credit card company
Payment processor (i.e., Stripe)
That's it! Thank you for your time! To receive your Amazon gift card, please enter your email address below (we will only use this information to send your gift card -- it will not be added to any contact lists).

Question Title

* 17. Email delivery address for Amazon gift card

Question Title

* 18. If you have any other comments related to online payment capabilities, feel free to add them here.