The Washington Department of Natural Resources is always looking to improve user experiences on our trails systems and we want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey about recreation in the Olympic Region. We appreciate your feedback.

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* 1. How often do you use DNR trails in the Olympic Region?

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* 2. How do you recreate on DNR trails? Check all that apply.

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* 3. Which trail systems do you use? Check all that apply.

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* 4. What kinds of trails and/or facilities, which do not currently exist, would you like to see us develop in the future? Please be specific.

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* 5. In regards to trails and recreational facilities, what is DNR currently doing well in the Olympic Region?

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* 6. In regards to trails and recreational facilities, what would you like to see DNR do differently in the future?

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* 7. Do you have any additional comments, concerns, or questions?

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* 8. OPTIONAL: Contact information

Your contact information will not be shared with any third parties. You will only be contacted if you indicate that it is okay for DNR staff to do so.

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* 9. May we contact you to discuss your responses to this survey?