Our Lady of the Seas Catholic Parish

Synod Survey

1.In what year were you born?
2.What is your gender?
3.In what ZIP code is your home located?
4.Which best describes your cultural heritage?
5.Did you attend a Parish, Campus Ministry, School or other group Listening Session?
6.Are you Catholic?
7.Please tell us more about your state in life. (Select all that apply)
8.Which best describes your relationship to a local parish?
9.How often do you attend Mass?
10.Which parish are you registered at or attend most frequently, if any:
11.Think of a time that you helped in decision making in your Catholic community. What was your role at the time? (Select all that apply)
12.Think of a time the Holy Spirit spoke to you or consoled you through another in your Catholic community. Which of the following best describe that time? (Select all that apply)
13.Think of a time you have felt particularly welcomed in your Catholic community. Which of the following best describe that time? (Select all that apply)
14.Please review the following statements and indicate your level of agreement with each.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Not Sure
I feel welcomed and included in my local church, school, campus ministry, ministry or other organizations (Catholic community).
When I am going through struggles, I feel the presence of God.
When I am going through struggles, I feel accompanied by my Catholic community.
I have personal friends in my Catholic community.
My Catholic Community has resources and programs that are useful in daily life.
I know who the local leaders are in my Catholic community andawayto contact them.
My Catholic community leaders (bishops, priests, teachers, principal, ministry leaders, staff, etc.) are approachable.
I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and faith journey with others in my Catholic community.
I am heard without judgement or prejudice in my Catholic community.
I feel empowered to speak about Jesus and share my faith with others and society.
I feel that I play a role in the mission of the Church.
The Eucharist plays a central role in my Catholic community.
I believe the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ.
I have experienced synodality in action in my Catholic community.
I have accompanied others in their struggles in my Catholic community.
I have heard the Holy Spirit speak to me through other’s words in my Catholic community.
I have had an impact on decision making in my Catholic community.
I am growing deeper in conversion and closeness with Christ through attendance at Mass and activities through my Catholic community.
I am optimistic for the outcome of the Synod on Synodality.
I am hopeful for the future of the Church.
The Church welcomes and responds to the needs of the poor and marginalized.
15.What is your hope for the Church as a result of this Synod?
16.What opportunities for, or difficulties and obstacles to, journeying together, and to active and vibrant participation in the life of the parish/community, have you encountered?
17.If you left the Catholic Church, would you like to share with us the reason you are no longer practicing?