Welcome to the OASIS CTI (STIX/CybOX/TAXII) Supporters Registration Page

This form is used to collect information about supporters of the OASIS CTI TC SC (STIX/CybOX/TAXII) Standards Development processes and related activities. This registration process seeks to collect and publish information on existing and emerging OASIS TC capabilities from all stakeholders in the Public, Private. Academia/Research, and Open Sources Communities.

The registration survey is broken down into the following sections. 

(1) "Organizational Contact Information"

All parts of Questions 1-4 must be completed.  

All other Sections/Questions are Optional

(2) "Consumers & Producers" - Consumers & Producers of OASIS CTI TC based Intelligence.

(3) "Commercial Products" - Vendors who produce a commercial OASIS CTI TC based Intelligence product or service.

(4) "Open Source Projects" - Those managing Open Source OASIS CTI TC based Software Projects.

(5) "Future Supporters" - Those not currently using or producing an OASIS CTI TC based Intelligence product or service that wish to register support for the OASIS CTI TC objectives and related initiatives.

(6) "OASIS CTI TC Resources and Membership" - Publicly available links to OASIS CTI TC Resources and information on how to join OASIS and the OASIS CTI TC.

(7) "General Comments" - Please use "Comments" sections included with Questions and the "General Comments" section at the end of the survey to provide any other relevant information. Suggestions for improving the Survey itself are welcomed.

Question Title

* 1. The name of your company or organization (or your name If you are an individual supporter) as you'd like to see it displayed on the public OASIS CTI TC (STIX/TAXII) Supporters Page. 

Question Title

* 2. Contact Information Publishing?

Question Title

* 3. Update to a previous submission?

Question Title

* 4. OASIS CTI TC Coordination Contact Information *

* Please note that:

(1) Valid contact information is required from all submitters for follow-up questions, outreach, engagement, and coordination of activities with the CTI TC Interoperability Sub-Committee
(2) Submissions that cannot be validated will not be published.
(3) We need your local Time Zone in UTC Time Offsets (i.e. UTC-05:00) so that we can better coordinate convenient times for calls, meetings, etc.