OAGS Resident Events: Continued Education & Delivery Methods

The Ontario Association of General Surgeons (OAGS) is seeking your input on the value and content of educational offerings to residents.

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* 1. Name/Contact (optional)

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* 4. Would you be interested in receiving education on professional development topics relevant to you as a general surgery resident? Professional development topics can include: choosing a fellowship, establishing an individual or group practice, financial management in the early career stage, work-life balance, mentorship, coaching, etc.

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* 5. Would you be interested in attending an in-person conference session for residents on a professional development topic?

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* 6. Would you be more likely to attend a live webinar aimed at professional development for residents?

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* 7. Please rank your preference of the following delivery methods for education on professional development topics. (1=highest, 4=lowest)

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* 8. What professional development topics would you be interested in learning about?

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* 9. Are you planning to attend the OAGS annual general meeting in 2024?

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* 10. Other Comments:

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* 11. If no, why not?