NCO - Neighborhood Coordination Officer Training Survey NCO - Neighborhood Coordination Officer Question Title * 1. Command you are assigned to (if not listed choose your overhead command). CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE PATROL SERVICES BUREAU (PSB) SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIV (SOD) & STRATEGIC RESPONSE GROUP (SRG) PBMS 1 5 6 7 9 10 13 MTS/14 17 MTN/18 PBMN PBMN IRT 19 20 CPP 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 33 34 PBBX PBBX IRT 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 PBBS PBBS IRT 60 61 62 63 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 76 78 PBBN PBBN IRT 73 75 77 79 81 83 84 88 90 94 PBQS PBQS IRT 100 101 102 103 105 106 107 113 PBQN PBQN IRT 104 108 109 110 111 112 114 115 PBSI 120 121 122 123 HOUSING BUREAU (HB) HB BROOKLYN HBB IRT PSA 1 PSA 2 PSA 3 HB MANHATTAN HBM IRT PSA 4 PSA 5 PSA 6 HB BRONX / QUEENS HB BX QNS IRT PSA 7 PSA 8 PSA 9 TRANSIT BUREAU (TB) TB MANHATTAN TB MANHATTAN TF TD 1 TD 2 TD 3 TD 4 TB BRONX / QUEENS TB BRONX / QUEENS TF TD 11 TD 12 TD 20 TD 23 TB BROOKLYN TB BROOKLYN TF TD 30 TD 32 TD 33 TD 34 OCCB (OTHER THAN NARCO DIV) NARCOTICS DIVISION DETECTIVE BUREAU COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BUREAU SCHOOL SAFETY DIVISION (SSD) INTERNAL AFFAIRS BUREAU (IAB) CRIMINAL JUSTICE BUREAU (CJB) TRANSPORTATION BUREAU (INCLUDING ALL TRAFFIC COMMANDS) COUNTERTERRORISM BUREAU INTELLIGENCE BUREAU SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU PERSONNEL BUREAU ALL COMMISSIONER LEVEL OFFICES (PCO, 1DC, ETC) POLICE ACADEMY / DC TRAINING OTHER COMMAND Question Title * 2. Command you are assigned to (if not listed choose your overhead command). CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE PATROL SERVICES BUREAU (PSB) SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIV (SOD) & STRATEGIC RESPONSE GROUP (SRG) PBMS 1 5 6 7 9 10 13 MTS/14 17 MTN/18 PBMN PBMN IRT 19 20 CPP 23 24 25 26 28 30 32 33 34 PBBX PBBX IRT 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 PBBS PBBS IRT 60 61 62 63 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 76 78 PBBN PBBN IRT 73 75 77 79 81 83 84 88 90 94 PBQS PBQS IRT 100 101 102 103 105 106 107 113 PBQN PBQN IRT 104 108 109 110 111 112 114 115 PBSI 120 121 122 123 HOUSING BUREAU (HB) HB BROOKLYN HBB IRT PSA 1 PSA 2 PSA 3 HB MANHATTAN HBM IRT PSA 4 PSA 5 PSA 6 HB BRONX / QUEENS HB BX QNS IRT PSA 7 PSA 8 PSA 9 TRANSIT BUREAU (TB) TB MANHATTAN TB MANHATTAN TF TD 1 TD 2 TD 3 TD 4 TB BRONX / QUEENS TB BRONX / QUEENS TF TD 11 TD 12 TD 20 TD 23 TB BROOKLYN TB BROOKLYN TF TD 30 TD 32 TD 33 TD 34 OCCB (OTHER THAN NARCO DIV) NARCOTICS DIVISION DETECTIVE BUREAU COMMUNITY AFFAIRS BUREAU SCHOOL SAFETY DIVISION (SSD) INTERNAL AFFAIRS BUREAU (IAB) CRIMINAL JUSTICE BUREAU (CJB) TRANSPORTATION BUREAU (INCLUDING ALL TRAFFIC COMMANDS) COUNTERTERRORISM BUREAU INTELLIGENCE BUREAU SUPPORT SERVICES BUREAU PERSONNEL BUREAU ALL COMMISSIONER LEVEL OFFICES (PCO, 1DC, ETC) POLICE ACADEMY / DC TRAINING OTHER COMMAND Question Title * 3. The instructors and guest lecturers communicated the content of this course effectively. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 4. The instructors and guest lecturers provided opportunities for students to ask questions, receive feedback, and express thoughts & ideas. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 5. The content of this course was relevant to the duties and responsibilities of an NCO. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 6. The mock Build a Block meeting was relevant to my role as an NCO . Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. This course will improve most NCO's ability to proactively identify problems. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 8. The NCO breakout session was resourceful for my positions as an NCO. Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 9. This course will improve most NCO's ability to solve problems. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 10. This course will improve most NCO's ability to communicate with the community they serve. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 11. This course will improve most NCO's ability to collaborate with other Department units and external organizations (non-NYPD). strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 12. This course will have a positive impact on the Department and its relationship with the community. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree Question Title * 13. Select which individual modules you would recommend other NCO's receive additional training on (select ALL that apply). The Community's Perspective (Community Council Members) Gathering and Dissemenating Intelligence (Intelligence Bureau) Fundamentals of Public Speaking (Advanced Training Unit) Auto Crime Health & Wellness Media Relations and Use of Social Media (DC Public Information) Engaging with the Community (Community Affairs Bureau) Electronic Communication via Email (Computer Training Unit) 311, Virtual Crime Information Center-VCIC, and Domain Awareness System-DAS Lite (Computer Training Unit) Collaborative Policing (Collaborative Policing) Civil Enforcement Options (Legal Bureau) Operational Review of NCO Program (Patrol or Housing C.O.) Question Title * 14. Have you attended the Criminal Investigation Course (CIC) as part of your NCO training. Yes No Question Title * 15. Rank: Police Officer / Detective Sergeant / Lieutenant Captain or Higher Question Title * 16. Years as UMOS: 0-2 years 3-6 years 7-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 21+ years Question Title * 17. We encourage you to provide a comment on this course. The Training Bureau values your opinion and will utilize all of the comments provided to improve our training efforts in the future. SUBMIT SURVEY