NCO - Neighborhood Coordination Officer

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* 3. The instructors and guest lecturers communicated the content of this course effectively.

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* 4. The instructors and guest lecturers provided opportunities for students to ask questions, receive feedback, and express thoughts & ideas.

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* 5. The content of this course was relevant to the duties and responsibilities of an NCO.

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* 6. The mock Build a Block meeting was relevant to my role as an NCO . 

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* 7. This course will improve most NCO's ability to proactively identify problems.

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* 8. The NCO breakout session was resourceful for my positions as an NCO.

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* 9. This course will improve most NCO's ability to solve problems.

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* 10. This course will improve most NCO's ability to communicate with the community they serve.

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* 11. This course will improve most NCO's ability to collaborate with other Department units and external organizations (non-NYPD).

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* 12. This course will have a positive impact on the Department and its relationship with the community.

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* 13. Select which individual modules you would recommend other NCO's receive additional training on (select ALL that apply).

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* 14. Have you attended the Criminal Investigation Course (CIC) as part of your NCO training.

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* 15. Rank:

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* 16. Years as UMOS:

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* 17. We encourage you to provide a comment on this course. The Training Bureau values your opinion and will utilize all of the comments provided to improve our training efforts in the future.