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Rationale & Benefit

This partnership agreement serves as an invitation to better reach, support and serve the credential-holding or credential-seeking population in the Early Learning Workforce.
The purpose of this agreement is to collaboratively solve a systemic problem by providing greater information exchange, data accuracy, and facilitated relationships between the CDA Council and NWRA's Professional Registry Members. As we remain committed to the retention and retainment, service and support of a well-prepared workforce, we collectively enter into this agreement to align our efforts in providing them with greater awareness of available resources, improved quality services, and fostering a deeper sense of belonging as a professional in this industry. Moreover, we are committed to removing obstacles to their recognition and inclusion, as well as working to strengthen diversity, and improving the pool of resources to support people caring for children.
Wholesale recognition of the state's aligned Professional Learning Record or Training Transcript and increased acceptance by The Council alleviates a need for Credential Holders' learning records to be revalidated at the Council for new credentials or renewals, as they will recognize and endorse the state's existing training and trainer approval process and techniques utilized by Professional Registries (in approved registries). This decreases any additional effort or burden for ECE Profesional seeking credentials. It also validates the work Professional Registries already do.

This is a two-tiered agreement (a. acceptance of the registry's training transcript, and b. credential data and information exchange) promoting workforce registries with aligned Professional Learning Records or Training Transcripts to become nationally recognized by the National Workforce Registry Alliance (NWRA). States meeting the transcript alignment criteria will be provided with a Seal of Recognition allowing for the transcript or record's wholesale acceptance by the Council of Professional Recognition for CDA applications and renewals. This agreement reduces duplicative efforts in the re-verification of training, increases efficacy for providers by demonstrating evidence of attendance in qualifying training, and contributes necessary steps toward increased training reciprocity and portability between states.

I. Transcript Alignment
The application for a transcript seal of recognition is open to all NWRA Professional Registry Members with aligned transcripts. It supports states seeking The Council's Acceptance of their state's ECE Professional Learning Records/Training Transcripts as an official document. The application process demonstrates the state's training transcript or PD learning record alignment with best practices and verifies that it contains the required elements to bear the NWRA seal of approval. 
II. Data Exchange Agreement
The data exchange portion of this agreement is a benefit providing states with the following:
      A) A quarterly list of CDA Council credential approvals, any pending expirations, and actual credential expirations through a direct, verified source with which to triangulate state records, improve workforce data accuracy and potentially increase credential holder inclusion in registries. 
     B) On an annual basis, registries receive a state Pass/Fail Ratio for their state’s CDA credential applications. 

In exchange, the professional registry agrees to: 
  • Update their career pathway/ladder/lattice levels when/if changes occur
  • Verify the list of known/available state support for credential applicants or renewals in their state
  • Provide information on their trainer and training approval process
  • Identify any registry engagement activity provided to workforce members, related to supporting/retaining credential attainment. 
These efforts are to occur on a quarterly basis to support collective efforts explained in the rationale section above. Quarterly updates will be made using a re-verification/upload form provided in advance by the NWRA.

 For questions, please contact

Question Title

* 2. Registry Representative's First and Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Please provide an email we can contact you at:

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* 4. Professional Development System and/or Professional Registry Name:

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate who the approval agency is in your state for Training and Trainer approval.

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