Please complete this evaluation for each 1st Year Neuroscience student who rotated in your lab. You are required to submit your evaluation before the student may take the qualifying exam.
Please note that questions 1-7 will be sent to the student.

Question Title

* 1. Student's first and last name:

Question Title

* 2. PI's first and last name:

Question Title

* 4. Summary of rotation project:

Question Title

* 5. Experiments:
Please evaluate the student's performance on the following topics.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The student planned their experiments in an organized and thoughtful fashion.
The student learned and applied techniques relevant to their rotation project.
The student demonstrated an ability to analyze and interpret experimental data.

Question Title

* 6. Scientific background:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The student has a grasp of the major scientific questions in the lab.
The student read and understood relevant papers in the field.
The student understood the scientific motivation for their rotation project.

Question Title

* 7. Lab and mentor dynamics:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
The student was motivated and dedicated to their rotation project.
The student took initiative on their rotation project and demonstrated creative and independent thinking.
The student participated in lab meetings, journal clubs, etc.
The student met with members of the lab and the PI regularly.
The student responded appropriately to feedback and constructive criticism.
The student understood and successfully presented their scientific findings to the lab.

Question Title

* 8. Confidential comments. This will remain private and will not be shared with the student.