Comprehensive Plan

Comprehensive Plan

The Township is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan, which evaluates the existing land use, transportation systems, housing, community facilities and services, nature, and culture of our Township. The Plan projects future trends, establishes a series of goals, and proposes a list of policy and physical recommendations. When implemented, the recommendations will help the Township achieve goals identified through the planning process and accommodate expected changes while protecting the community character and valuable resources that make the Township unique. We appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey.
Nether Providence Township Comp Plan Committee. 
1.What challenges do you see for the community?
2.What opportunities do you see for the Township?
3.What is working well?
4.Why did you move to Nether Providence or why do you continue to live in Nether Providence?
5.What would make you move from Nether Providence?
6.If you were in charge, what would you change about Nether Providence Township? (You should write down anything you feel will enhance the quality of life in Nether Providence).
7.Name (optional)
8.Ward - Not sure of your ward? Please look here: Map of Wards