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Northern Ontario Internet User Survey
What is the name of your community?
(Please use the name of the Municipality in which you reside and receive a tax bill from or First Nation Community)
Please indicate the most appropriate description for your location:
Full-Time Residential
Public Institution
Have you/will you conduct a speed test through the CIRA/ partnership speed test portal?
(Click this link to take the speed test).
If you receive high-speed internet, what type of connection do you have?
(If you are not certain what type of internet you have, click here to learn more about the different types of internet delivery)
Fixed Wireless
Mobile Cellular Broadband (LTE, HSPA)
I do not receive high-speed internet service at my location
Other (please specify)
What level of internet service are you currently receiving with your internet package?
(Please choose the closest to yours)
50 Mbps download / 10 Mbps upload Mbps, or more
25 Mbps download / 5 Mbps upload
10 download /2 Mbps upload
5 Mbps download /1 Mbps upload
Less than 5 Mbps download / 1 Mbps upload
I do not have access to high-speed internet at my location
Please specify what type of online activities your household, business, or public institution engages in:
Product research
Video gaming
Remote Work
Social Networks (Facebook/Twitter, etc.)
Entertainment and streaming services (Netflix, Crave, etc.)
Government services
Communicating with friends and family
Please indicate the accuracy of the following statement as it applies to you:
"My current internet connection meets my online activity requirements."
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly Disagree
Do you feel like your current internet connection limits your ability to participate in the digital economy?
(For example, the ability to shop online, conduct business, ability to work remotely)
Strongly agree
No impact
Strongly disagree
The CRTC set a decision that the minimum standard requirement for fixed high-speed internet access for every Canadian household should be 50/10 Mbps with no data usage restrictions.
However, just as important is access to high-speed internet is the ability to afford such a service
When considering a potential subscription to a 50/10 Mbps unlimited data usage service, how important of a factor is affordability?
Very important
Somewhat important
I feel neutral about it
Somewhat important
Not important at all
Are you currently able to subscribe to 50/10 Mbps fixed high-speed internet with an unlimited data plan but choose not to subscribe? If so, what are the most important factors in your decision?
Affordability of monthly plans
Cost of equipment to access high-speed internet
No need or interest for that level of high-speed internet
Other (please specify)
If you currently are not able to access 50/10 Mbps fixed high-speed internet with unlimited data usage but it were made available to you in the future, which statement would best represent your attitude towards internet cost:
Yes, I have no problem paying more for better service
I would expect to pay about the same as I do now
I would not pay more
Cost is a barrier and I cannot afford to pay more for internet
Additional comments or questions:
(Please provide your contact information if you wish to receive a follow-up response)
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered