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Satisfaction Survey: Please return by January 31, 2025

* This survey is intended to solicit feedback from MEMBERS ONLY. (Employees, Vendors, Care Managers, family and friends, please do not complete).
Thank you for taking the time to fill out the annual NJ Personal Preference Program (PPP) survey. At Public Partnerships (PPL), we value your feedback and will use your responses to make continued improvements to program operations. Please click OK to proceed.
Contacting Public Partnerships | PPL and My MCO

Question Title

* 1. Please estimate how many times you or your workers contact PPL Customer Service in an average month:

Question Title

* 2. Please estimate how many times you contact your PPL Financial Consultant in an average month:

Question Title

* 3. Please estimate how many times you contact your Managed Care Organization (MCO) in an average month:

Question Title

* 4. My MCO is:

The following questions are related to PPL Customer Service only. There is a separate section regarding your PPL Financial Consultant.

Question Title

* 5. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree
My voicemails for PPL Customer Service are returned in a timely manner.
If I have a question or concern, PPL Customer Service will work with me to resolve it.
PPL Customer Service is friendly and professional when I call or email.
PPL Customer Service provides me with the guidance and support I need to self-direct my care.
I receive a consistent answer every time I call PPL Customer Service.
I receive the same answer when I call PPL Customer Service or my PPL Financial Consultant.
The following questions are related to your PPL Financial Consultant.

Question Title

* 6. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree
My PPL Financial Consultant provided me with the guidance and support I needed to successfully enroll in the PPP program.
My PPL Financial Consultant gives me time to ask questions and works with me to resolve questions or concerns.
My PPL Financial Consultant supports me in creating, editing, and remaining within my monthly budget.
My PPL Financial Consultant reviews my back up plan and how to hire back up workers.
I know how to reach my PPL Financial Consultant after visits.
My PPL Financial Consultant made me feel comfortable about PPP while visiting me.
My PPL Financial Consultant comes to my house on time.
My PPL Financial Consultant missed appointments with me. 
My voicemails and emails for my PPL Financial Consultant are returned in a timely manner. (Within 2 Business Days)
My PPL Financial Consultant is friendly and professional when I call or email.
My PPL Financial Consultant reminds me that I have to report when I am hospitalized because I know that I cannot use PPP when I am in the hospital.

Question Title

* 7. What month and year did you start the PPP program? (preferred format: __/20__)

Question Title

* 8. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree
PPL enrollment materials, paperwork, and instructions are easy to read and complete.
My PPL Financial Consultant explained the enrollment process effectively.
I understood what needed to be completed before I could begin receiving service through the PPP program
Enrolling a new worker with PPL is quick and seamless. 
I was notified of my program start date in a timely manner
Timesheet and Invoice Submission

Question Title

* 9. My worker(s) submit timesheets via (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 10. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Disagree
PPL processes timesheets in a timely manner.
I am contacted by PPL when there is an issue with one of my worker’s timesheets.
When there is an issue with a submitted timesheet, PPL tells me and I understand how to fix it.
PPL pays my workers accurately and on time.
Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Question Title

* 11. Please rate how comfortable you are with the following statement:

  Completely Comfortable Somewhat Comfortable Somewhat Uncomfortable Completely Uncomfortable
 Are you and your caregiver(s) comfortable with using EVV? 

Question Title

* 12. Please rate assistance received for the following statement:

  I receive Constant Assistance I receive Some Assistance I Do Not receive Any Assistance
Do you receive the assistance you need from your PPL Financial Consultant if you have questions regarding EVV?

Question Title

* 13. What could be done to improve the Personal Preference Program?

Question Title

* 14. If made available, I would be willing to receive text message notifications about timesheets, paperwork or other program related items.

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* 15. PPL can contact me about the information contained in this survey. My contact information is:

(If “No” please leave blank)

0 of 15 answered