New Gloucester - Climate Awareness & Concerns

New Gloucester is conducting a climate vulnerability assessment, and we need your help!  

Please take this brief 5 to 10-minute survey to make your voice heard! Your input will help us shape our priorities for tackling climate change in our community.  This survey is focused on the current community of New Gloucester, your concerns, and what you want to see as priorities.
1.How worried are you about climate change?
2.How important is it that New Gloucester do something about climate change?
3.Which potential climate impacts, if any, are you most concerned about? And which climate impacts, if any, have you experienced in the last 10 years? (Select all that apply)
Concerned About
Air pollution and air quality
Habitat destruction, reduction of biodiversity of plants and animals 
Flooding and inland erosion
Damage to property and infrastructure (e.g. flooded roadways, building damage)
Loss of property value
Food insecurity and water scarcity
Increased social inequity
Landfills and waste management
Local deforestation and land development
Pollution of lakes, rivers, and natural spaces
Shifting seasons (hotter, longer summers, and shorter, less snowy winters)
Shifts in jobs and the economy (e.g. winter tourism, supply chain issues, agriculture)
Increased energy costs and strain on the electricity grid
Extreme heat and heat-related illnesses 
Increased precipitation and shifting precipitation patterns (more rain, less snow) 
Drought and wildfires 
Invasives species, ticks, mosquitoes and vector-borne diseases 
Groundwater contamination
None (no concerns or haven't experienced impacts)
4.Are there other impacts you are concerned about or experienced not listed in Question 3? Or please provide more details on climate-related changes you have noticed.
5.What barriers or challenges do you face for reducing your emissions and decreasing the risk of climate impacts? (Select all that apply)
6.In which of these ways do you feel prepared for the challenges of climate change? (Select all that apply)
Do you have...
7.Climate impacts affect people and places in town differently. Please share specific places or populations in Town you feel are vulnerable to changing climate conditions (for example: communities or infrastructure in flood-prone zones, households experiencing food insecurity, etc.).
8.What climate or energy-related information would you like to learn more about? (for example: native planting, heat pumps, energy rebates, science behind climate change, human health impacts, etc.)
9.How do you get your information about what is happening in New Gloucester? (Select all that apply)
10.What else would you like us to know? All questions, concerns, or suggestions are welcome.
The following demographic questions are completely voluntary and anonymous. These questions serve two main purposes:
  1. Collecting demographic data helps us understand who in the community is participating and whose voices might be missing. This information shows how different groups experience the topics we are studying and helps identify any gaps or disparities. By gathering this data, we can ensure that all members of the New Gloucester community are included and that the results are meaningful and fair for everyone.
  2. The data help to provide the Town more localized information. Local data can help supplement state and federal data sources, and it can help the Town better understand how to serve different populations. 
11.Please select all that apply. Do you...
12.How long have you lived, worked, or owned a business in New Gloucester?
Owned a business
Less than 1 year
1 - 4 years
5 - 10 years
11 - 15 years
More than 15 years
Does not apply
13.If you are a resident, full-time or part-time, what is your housing status?
14.What is your age?
15.Which race or ethnicity best describes you? (Select all that apply)
16.What is your household income?
Thank you for your time!
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