Wiltshire Council are looking for your feedback regarding the development of a new Leisure Centre in Trowbridge. Please complete the survey to have your say on the proposed location and facilities.

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* 1. Do you live in Trowbridge or the surrounding area?

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* 2. What age group are you in?

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* 3. Do you support the construction of a new Leisure Centre in Trowbridge?

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* 4. How likely are you to use the new Trowbridge Leisure Centre?

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* 5. Which of the proposed facilities are you/your family looking forward to using?

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* 6. When are you most likely to visit the facility?

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* 7. What would encourage you to use the new facility?

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* 8. The building will include high-quality flexible community spaces. What would you use these spaces for? Are you part of a club or community group that would use these spaces?

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* 9. Which mode of transport are you most likely to use to access the facility?

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* 10. What would encourage you to access the facility via Active Travel methods e.g. walking or cycling?

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* 11. What would encourage you to use public transport to access the facility?

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* 12. The facilities location in the centre of town means it is close to lots of other services. When you visit the centre will you combine your visit with trips to other destinations in the town centre?

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* 13. We want to ensure the building is accessible/inclusive to all. Are there any features you would like us include to ensure you can access the facility?

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* 14. Do you think the design of the building will positively impact the town?

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* 15. What features do you like about the design?

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* 16. The external landscaping of the building will include outdoor spaces for the public to enjoy. Would you use these spaces and what would encourage you to do so? Would space for nature and biodiversity be important factors?

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* 17. The building will be designed and built to be as energy efficient as possible, minimising its carbon footprint. How important are the buildings environmental credentials to you?