Please give us your views on our new website

Our new website aims to support the commercialisation and future sustainability of Aflasafe. We focus on product promotion, marketing, creating awareness and providing information to potential users and commercialisation partners.

The site is a work in progress, which is why your feedback is so valuable. We are very grateful for your time spent exploring our new site and taking our two-minute survey below.

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* 1. My occupation, or reason for interest in Aflasafe (choose the main one that best describes you, or your interest in Aflasafe)

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* 2. Gender

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* 3. Region where you live or work (based on your response in occupation/interest above)

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* 4. Rate the written content of the site

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* 5. Rate the structure and ease of navigation

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* 6. Rate the visual appearance and design of the site

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* 7. How well does the site content reflect your needs and interests?

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* 8. Any other comments, including what would you like to see more of as we continue to grow and advance the website?

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* 9. Any comments on this survey?