
Thank you for taking part in the North Burnett Flood Resilience Projects survey.

We are seeking your input on your past experience with floods and how you prepare and respond.

The information you provide will be used to improve our collective understanding of flood behaviour in the North Burnett and how communities prepare for and respond to flood events.

Your information is extremely valuable in ensuring the North Burnett continues to reduce the impact of flooding across our communities.
Information Privacy Statement

Council is collecting the information on this survey for the purposes of informing disaster management practices and projects. This information will be accessed by Council and its agents for current and future disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery projects. The information you supply including personal information will be shared with other government authorities and third parties involved in the Flood Risk Management projects. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other person or agency unless required by law. By submitting a survey, you consent to Council using and sharing your information with project partners and using de-identifying data in publications.

Question Title

* Consent

Contact Details

If you agree, please provide your contact details. This will allow the project team to identify the location where you experienced or were impacted by flooding and contact you if additional information is required to support the project.

Question Title

* Your details