Nawash Business and Services Directory |
Attention All Businesses, Trades People, Trainers, and Self-Employed Nawash Band Members Living in Nawash:
We are creating a Business and Services Directory for our Nawash community.
This directory will be provided to all community members so they are informed of businesses and services available on our reserve. The information gathered will be posted on our website, social media pages and newsletter.
Businesses and Services include the following and much more.
Do any of the following describe you?
- You own a business in Nawash (i.e., gas station, restaurant, store, etc.)
- You provide services such as landscaping, hunting for others, fishing for others, etc.
- You are self-employed / a trades person: (i.e., you are a licensed plumber, mechanic, electrician, millwright, etc.)
- You train, teach, tutor, offer apprenticeships (i.e., you offer electrical apprenticeships, you are a language tutor, you provide lessons to make skirts, moccasins, music lessons, etc.)
To be part of the directory, the following criteria applies:
To be part of the directory, the following criteria applies:
- The Business and/or Service must be available in the Neyaashiinigmiing Community
- Businesses and Skilled Trades People are eligible for listing in the Directory
- Skilled Trades People must be Nawash Members who offer services in the Neyaashiinigmiing Community
- The Company is Majority owned by a Nawash Member(s)
If the above describes you, please fill out the form.
Please note this information will be available on public platforms.
It will be possible for others outside of the community to contact you.
It will be possible for others outside of the community to contact you.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Nahleena Tye, Communications Manager or call:
519.534.1689 ext. 232