Copy of Covid-19 Response Survey (Nauru Chamber of Commerce)

Covid-19 Response Survey

Thank you for taking your time to participate in this survey. The objective of the COVID-19 Survey is to collect data on the impact of COVI-19 on businesses in Nauru. This will assist the Chamber of Commerce to identify opportunities for private businesses.  Your cooperation and response will be much appreciated.
1.Business type and number of empoyees
2.In just a few words please explain the pre COVID business (prior to COVID). 

Example – the number of employees you have and the hours of operation.
3.What has been the impact of Covid-19 on your business to date?
(Please tick one box per row)
0 to -25%
-25% to -50%
-50 to -100%
Don't know
4.Do you face a shortage of workers? If yes, for what reasons? 
(Please tick only one box per row)
Main reason
Minor reason 
Don't know
No (select no and move to next question)
Because workers are infected with Covid-19
Because workers staying away are afraid of getting infected
Because workers are restricted in their movement due to quarantine or Covid Taskforce restriction
Because workers are taking care of family
5.Did you utilize any Government incentives?   
 * If yes, please explain in a few words below

6.How is your business responding after COVID and what actions are you currently undertaking that is different prior to COVID?

* Tick whichever is applicable to your business
7.Has COVID affected your human resource operations?
8.If you ticked YES to the previous question - Please tick below whichever is relevant to your business
9.Do you have a business strategy in place should there be a second wave of COVID?
10.What means of communications is the most effective during COVID?
   * Tick whichever is applicable to your business