Due to severe weather that has impacted the Charlotte community, and respectfully considering the safety of our patrons and dancers, we regret to inform you that Charlotte Ballet’s Night at the Nutcracker performance scheduled for Sunday, December 9 at 5:30 PM has been canceled. All other performances will continue as scheduled.

Ticket holders for Night at the Nutcracker may exchange into another Nutcracker performance at no additional cost. We will follow-up to process your order.

We apologize for any inconvenience this weather-related event has caused for our patrons. We look forward to Nutcracker all year and are so excited to share this holiday tradition with you. We look forward to seeing you at one of our other performances this December!

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* 1. Please choose the performance you would like your tickets to be exchanged to, free of charge.

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* 2. Please Identify the following contact information so we can confirm your ticket exchange.

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* 3. Please enter your order number from your previous tickets, if available.