This survey will inform design and programming recommendations for three parks in Narberth Borough: Narberth Park, Elm Grove Park, and Town Square / Station Circle. The parks plan will examine the use of existing open space and recreation facilities in and around Narberth Borough and explore opportunities for new facility development, connectivity, and recreational programming to meet the needs of the current community while also planning for anticipated growth over the next 25 years.

Narberth Borough intends to develop a separate park plan for a fourth site, Sabine Park (currently 0.5 acres), at a later time. For this reason, specific questions regarding Sabine Park are not included in this particular survey. However, Sabine Park will be taken into consideration as part of the larger park system when designing the other three sites.

Obtaining feedback from the community about the current conditions and opportunities in the Borough is vital to the planning process. We appreciate your taking time to complete this survey. It should take only 15 to 20 minutes of your time.

This survey is conducted by Narberth Borough and Simone Collins Landscape Architecture, consultants to the Borough. Your responses will be confidential; responses will not be identified by name. All responses will be compiled together and analyzed as a group, and will be included in the report appendix.

The survey will be available from May 4, 2024 until September 9, 2024.