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* 1. Please identify the school where you taught the Nanowire pH Sensors experiment:

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* 2. To which of your classes did you teach the Nanowire pH Sensors experiment?

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* 3. How many of your students were able to participate in this experiment?

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* 4. What year are your students? Please select all that apply.

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* 5. Please rate how useful this workshop was in helping you explain the following scientific concepts (specific CA Science Standards topics italicized) to your students:

  Not at all A Little Mostly Very
Nanostructures have very large surface to volume ratios and this property can be used to create better performing sensors.
Small changes in the chemical structure of a material can significantly affect the material’s properties, e.g. conductivity and color.
The mechanism for conduction in nanofibers is more restricted than for metal conductors, one-dimensional in contrast to 3D. This makes the nanofiber conductivity more sensitive to any change to the polymer that could affect the conductive path (i.e. protonation).
Physics: Predict the voltage or current in simple direct current electric circuits constructed from batteries, wires, resistors, and capacitors
Chemistry: Use the pH scale to characterize acid and base solutions
Chemistry: Large molecules (polymers), such as proteins, nucleic acids, and starch are formed by repetitive combinations of simple subunits
Scientific Investigation and Experimentation: Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships and display data.

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* 6. Please rate the following:

  Not at all Somewhat Mostly Very Much
Were there sufficient materials in our supply kit for you to complete this lab with all of your students?
Did the hands-on activity during the Saturday workshop help you conduct the experiment successfully with your students?
Did the UCLA researchers’ presentations and your interaction with them during the workshop help you explain the science and answer all questions asked by your students?
Did the discussions amongst your science teacher colleagues, led by the Teacher Instructor, during the Saturday workshop help make it practical to integrate this experiment into your curriculum and bring the hands-on activity into your classroom?
Overall, how useful were the UCLA Saturday workshop activities in helping you implement this laboratory experiment in your classroom successfully?

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* 7. Did any part of the experiment work poorly or cause problems? If so, what could be done differently?

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* 8. What content did you emphasize?

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* 9. Where does the Nanowire pH Sensors lab fit in your curriculum?

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* 10. Have you used the content from the Nanowire pH Sensors experiment with students previously?

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* 11. Do you anticipate using this hands-on activity or its related content in your classes next year?