Insurance Coverage of Breast Cancer Screening for People with Dense Breasts/High Risk in Illinois

Don't miss this essential guide to accessing breast cancer screening. Join us on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6:00 PM Central to learn about insurance coverage of breast cancer screening for individuals with dense breasts and other high-risk factors. Learn about what's covered, what's not, when, and why. Discover your options and recourse when navigating insurance policies in Illinois.

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. Phone

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* 5. Street Address

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* 6. City

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* 7. State

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* 8. Zip Code

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* 9. Company/Organization (if applicable) 

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* 10. Title (if applicable) 

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* 11. Are you a

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* 12. What age range applies to you?

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* 13. I identify my race/ethnicity as

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* 14. What gender do you most identify with?

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* 15. Do you need an accommodation?

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* 16. If you need an accommodation, please describe: 

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