1. Put your Tech Idea to the test!!

Without giving any details please answer these quick questions below, complete your contact details and we’ll be in touch to let you know if we think it has potential .

Question Title

* 1. Does your idea provide a new perspective or process or technology?

Question Title

* 2. Does your idea provide a new perspective or process or technology?

Question Title

* 3. Does your idea provide a new perspective or process or technology?

Question Title

* 4. How feasible is your idea to build or develop?

do not know possible Definitely possible (off the shelf technology)

Question Title

* 5. Based on your current research, has anyone else developed the same invention or idea?

Question Title

* 6. What is your current level of passion and commitment behind this idea?

Low Passion / Low Commitment Mid Passion / Mid Commitment High Passion / High Commitment

Question Title

* 7. Have you completed any market research to validate the need?

Question Title

* 8. How how big the market is that you want to sell in?

small medium large

Question Title

* 9. Has this idea been validated as a great need by a potential customer or industry expert?

Question Title

* 10. Is the Industry expert willing to support your idea and invest in it?

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* 11. Are you in a position to be able to commit funds to developing your idea?

Question Title

* 12. Answer these quick questions below, complete your contact details and we’ll offer you a free consultation


1. Having an idea that provides a new and innovative perspective can be very valuable, especially if it provides some of the following features:
a. Smaller
b. faster
c. less expensive
d. fits into a persons life style
e. having a clear purpose value etc.

2. The feasibility of building a product improves the time to market as well as the cost of human resources (man power) to build.

3. Many times competition is good as it validates a need for your product or service. This totally depends on the (SWOT) Analysis of your competitor and your idea.

4. Many fantastic ideas do not materialize because the idea generator or inventor is not fully passionate behind their idea. When things get tough those that are most committed will tend to continue and not give up. This is necessary to attract others to invest or join your team.

5. Doing a thorough market research can improve the chances of success significantly. Knowing who your competitors are , who your perfect profile customer is and the number of the people that would potentially want to purchase from you.

6. Understanding how large your market is will be very essential. e.g. Say the potential number of customers that could use your product is 1,000,000, you will estimate to capture 10% of the market population (100,000). If you were to capture the 100,000 customers, would that sustain your business.

7. Also have several potential customers other than yourself or a friend or family member confirm that they would buy your product, that they will use the product and pay the amount you would like to sell it for. Industry experts are the best to speak to and validate.

8. Some industry experts may desire to invest. It will show their confidence in what you are doing.

9. Investors whether Angel investors or friends or family like to know that you invested in your own idea first. That you risked your own money because you believe so much in what you are building. It also shows a level of competence and provides some strong motivation not too give up. Others would be potentially willing to invest as well