South Dakota Driver Licensing Customer Service Survey
Please tell us about your recent visit.
Which South Dakota Driver Exam Station did you visit? If you did not visit in-person, please indicate if you renewed online or by mail, or if you visited with staff at the Central Office call center.
How would you rate your experience?
1 star
2 stars
3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
If you visited an exam station or spoke with staff at the Central Office call center, how helpful/friendly was the staff during your visit?
Exceeded my expectations -- very helpful/friendly
Met my expectations -- helpful/friendly
Not quite what I expected -- could have been more helpful/friendly
Does not apply to me - I used the online or mail-in method
Is there anything we could have done to raise your satisfaction level?
What was the best part of your interaction with us?
If you visited an exam station in person, what recommendations would you offer for better customer service at the location you visited?
Any comments or concerns you'd like to share with us?
Yes, see below.
No, thank you.
My comments/concerns:
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered