Revenue Recognition Questionnaire

1.Company name
2.Company contact
3.Email address
4.Do you execute contracts with your customers? 
(These contracts can be written, verbal, or implied. They can take the form of purchase orders, service agreements, user agreements, T&Cs, etc.)
5.Are there any customary industry practices that you follow but are not present in your contracts?
6.Do your contracts include multiple performance obligations?
(example: multiple deliverables, products, services, etc.)?
7.Do you enter into multiple contracts with the same customer at or near the same point in time.
(Sale of product and accompanying service agreement)
8.Do your contracts any of the following - please mark all that apply:
9.Do you drop ship any products from suppliers?
10.Do your contracts span more than 12 months?
11.Do you have standard pricing for your products and services or unique to each customer?
12.Does your sales team have discretion on adjusting pricing on a customer-by-customer basis?
13.Do you provide any services or products free of charge under the contract?
14.Do you have established pricing for all products and services even if they are typically bundled?
15.How do you determine your pricing?
(example: rate per hour, rate per user, $ / product, etc.)
16.If you bundle products and services how do you currently determine the customer's price?
17.Do you ever discount one portion of a contract in exchange for extending a term?
18.What accounting system(s) do you currently use for generating invoices and recording revenue?
19.When do you recognize revenue? 
(example: when invoiced, when shipped, when service provided)
20.Do you pay sales commissions?
21.Do you regularly incur any other costs directly associated with obtaining new customer contracts?
(example: legal, regulatory, etc.)
22.Do you collect sales and use taxes on your revenue transactions?
23.Do you currently have a written accounting policy for your revenue recognition?