2024 - ROP Student Survey

1.Student Name: (Optional)
2.Living Unit:
3.My age is
4.My Gender is:
5.Sex Assigned at Birth:
6.Gender Identification:
7.Other Sexual Orientation:
8.I have been at this program
9.I received information on reporting sexual misconduct (PREA/SES) while at this facility?
10.Rite of Passage’s Mission Statement is:
11.I feel safe in this facility?
12.Staff treat me with respect?
13.Have you observed bullying behavior at this site?
14.If you reported bullying behavior, do you believe staff would intervene?
15.I have received information on the effects of Fentanyl?
16.Fentanyl has been found in most drugs today?
17.How much Fentanyl does it talk to be a lethal dose?
18.Do you know how to report sexual harassment or abuse at this facility?
19.If you saw other students participating in sexual misconduct, would you report it?
20.Do you feel safe from sexual abuse/harassment in:
21.I feel comfortable talking to staff about my program concerns?
22.The school program is helping me achieve my educational goals.
23.When needed, I am seen by medical staff in a timely manner.
24.I have clean bedding and clothing that is free of holes and tears.
25.I have participated in a fire drill in the last
26.I have participated in an Emergency Disaster Drill
27.I have open access to a grievance form.
28.ROP focuses on my needs as identified in my individualized plan.
29.This program recognizes mine and other student cultural backgrounds.
30.I have an overall feeling of satisfaction with the program.
31.I have been made aware of policies regarding restraints.
32.I was made aware of student policies and student handbook content.
33.Do you think students would benefit from more training on preventing sexual abuse and sexual harassment?
34.I have been included in transition/discharge/aftercare planning.
35.I have a plan as to where I am going to live when I discharge.
36.My favorite meal at ROP is:
37.My least favorite meal at ROP is:
38.My Favorite snack at ROP is:
39.My least favorite snack at ROP is: